“I desperately need help with my resume. I have a job interview at 3:30 PM today and a recruiter has told me that the opening sections of my resume - featuring the previous two years - look very choppy and that I need to reconfigure what I'm giving to people. Based on what the recruiter told me, I have rewritten those sections of my resume and have sent it out to people but I'm thinking it's not really working for me. I know this is very short notice but do you have any time to help me with this before my interview this afternoon so that I can take something better to my meeting?”
The following examples are the BEFORE and AFTER versions of the opening sections of this resume that I worked on for this individual.
(These examples have been totally fictionalized to camouflage the person’s identity.)
ORIGINAL VERSION – Prior to the Wordsmith update
111 South Ave., Apt. 66A, Big City, USA 30044
(666) 222-8888
Top producing sales associate within investment world, financial services, and beyond. Consistent track record of exceeding sales and performance goals. Successful in sales due to (a) highly effective internal and external relationship management resulting in quality client development, (b) strong sales support and business development management skills, and (c) ability to close deals based on experience, client needs assessment, and confidence in asking for the order.
2009- May 2010
QRS CAPITAL ASSETS January to May 2010
Managing Partner, Broker/Dealer, Sales Director.
Partnered with former US Bank Equity Markets; Brokerage Head to grow Equities Broker/Dealer.
• Opened key accounts including FireZion, Frellus Capital, Rattleback, Purple Capital, Obabar Capital, Joshua Capital, Ruffage Capital, Slumberland, and BadBoy Capital.
• Pitched RAM, LMN, X Capital, Third Pet, Pella Ice Capital and Avatar Fund.
• Planned, negotiated, and implemented new business strategies and recruitment.
• Grew revenue 500% in 6 months before key investor exited the business.
SIENNA USA, LLC, 2009-2010
Co-Managing Partner.
Created LLC to explore business initiatives in offshore investing and international trade.
• Wrote and developed business plan and pitched 40+ VC's on developing the business;
• Consulted to VIP Communications and Big Capital.
111 South Ave., Apt. 66A, Big City, USA 30044
(666) 222-8888
(666) 222-8888
Consistent, successful track record of exceeding sales and performance goals through:
• Effective networking, resulting in quality lead-generation
• Strong sales support and relationship management skills
Note that
• Ability to close deals based on experience, client needs, and confidence in asking for order.
Managing Partner, Broker/Dealer, Sales Director
Develop and leverage investment fund relationships to build/grow business platforms
• Partnered with former US Bank Equity Markets; Brokerage Head to grow Equities Broker/Dealer, for QRS Capital Markets.
• Opened key accounts including FireZion, Frellus Capital, Rattleback, Purple Capital, Obabar Capital, Joshua Capital, Ruffage Capital, Slumberland, and BadBoy Capital.
• Pitched RAM, Buffet, LMN, X Capital, Third Point, Paella Ice Capital and Avatar.
• Planned, negotiated, and implemented new business strategies and personnel recruitment.
• Grew revenue 500% in 6 months before key investor exited business.
• Created LLC, Sienna USA, as co-managing partner to explore business initiatives in offshore investing and international trade.
• Wrote and developed business plan and pitched 40+ VCs on developing business.
• Consulted to VIP Communications and Big Capital.
• Wrote and developed business plan and pitched 40+ VCs on developing business.
• Consulted to VIP Communications and Big Capital.
Note that
1. All of the information is there in the "AFTER" revision without omitting any of the significant content from the BEFORE version of the resume.
2. In the revised version, the opening overview section reads much more tightly with very easy access to the key selling points and service areas of Martha Ann Waterbird.
3. The presentation of the most recent two years has been combined for a unified focused presentation rather than looking like two separate unsuccessful "choppy" work roles over two years of time.
It is great fun and hugely satisfying to be able to transform resumes to reflect people's best selling points as well as help them develop the language and responses they will need to convey consistency and focus when they are out on job interviews, presenting their resumes.
Until next time,
The Wordsmith
SPEAK EASY, The Communication Guide for Career and Life Success
SPEAK EASY, The Communication Guide for Career and Life Success